Individual Student Attendance Reports
To view an individual student’s attendance record go to Student top tab>Select the student>Attendance side tab>Class or Daily Attendance sub-side tab
Sort by Date, Period, or Course

To Print an individual student’s attendance record go to:
Student Top Tab>Select the student or group of students>Reports Drop Down Menu>Other Jurisdiction>Attendance History> select the date range>Select the students to include (Current Selection)>Click Run

The result is a Daily Attendance record.
In order to print a copy of the student’s class attendance history a custom quick report with the required fields must be created.
Querying For Students At-Risk (Attendance)
Class History Side Tab
Query for unexcused absences in a selected time frame (Recent, Current Month, etc) or delineate a time frame in the query as in the example below.

- Is Absent=Y
- Is Excused=N
- Choose to include a date range or use the Search based on choices to filter to Recent Attendance (Usually the last 90 days), Current Month, Current School Year, Current week, or Today.
- Choose to save this query for future use.
The resulting spreadsheet contains all unexcused class absence records in the designated time frame. The difficulty then is in identifying the students that have a specified number of absences within the time frame.
The process in Excel is outlined below.
Export as a CSV file
From Excel:
- Click Data>Select Subtotal(Top Right)
Enter the following in the pop up window:

- Click OK
- Click the number 2 in the left hand side of the screen to collapse the screen to totals for each student.
- Type in CNTRL>G
- Click Special
- And select “Visible cells only”

- Click OK
- Type CNTL>C to copy
Open a new sheet by clicking the + tab at the bottom of the XL spreadsheet
Type CNTRL>V to paste totals on this new sheet.
- Click Data>Select Filter

- Click the down arrow in the name field and deselect the numbers to determine the minimum number of class absences you wish to view.
- Click OK
The result is a spreadsheet with two sheets. Sheet 1 has a list of every class absence for all students who have missed at least one class in the selected time period with totals. Sheet two is customizable to determine the criteria you wish to filter to. ie 20+, or 50+, etc.