Glossary of Terms

1701: Ministry data collection of student data used for a variety of purposes including district funding. See the district reference materials.

Breadcrumbs: a navigation technique to help users keep track of their location within MyEd BC; appear as links at the top of every page

Data Analytics: a process for inspecting data to spot trends and progress, used in conjunction with Quick Charts

Data Dictionary: organizes the tables and fields that house all of your district’s administrative information

Enrollment Status

  • Pre-Registered: the student’s information is in the system for a school, but the student may not start classes until a later date. It is not possible to edit student information when their enrollment status is Pre-Reg.
  • Active: a student enrollment status must be set to Active in order to take attendance and report on the student.
  • Inactive: A student record that is not active in MyEd that was brought through conversion from BCeSIS where it was in a Withdrawn status
  • Withdrawn: removing a student’s association with a particular school. The system can create a former school association for the rest of the year
  • Active-No Primary: a student who has been withdrawn from his or her primary school but still has one or more active secondary school associations.
  • Graduate: a student who has met graduation requirements and has been withdrawn from his or her primary school.

Field Set: A custom selection of columns that appears on list pages. Copy, edit and manage your field sets in the upper right corner of the page using the Field Set icon.

Filter: a set of criteria to selectively screen out incoming information, such as “all active students” or “former students”. Copy, edit and manage your filters in the upper right corner of the page using the Filter icon.

Footnotes: special notes that teachers can add to scores on the Scores page

Gradebook: online version of a paper gradebook where teachers enter and track assignments, assignment grades, and term grades

Grade sub level – see Subgrade

Grid Codes: ranges of addresses within a city, town, or county

Guided Tasks: assist users when performing tasks in Aspen that may require multiple steps across several screens, such as setting up grade reporting

HEAT: provincial help desk ticketing system

IEP: Individualized Education Program

iReport: free, open-source software which can be used to customize MyEd BC reports

Job Queue: list of any reports, imports/exports, and procedures running in the system

LASID: Local Agency Student Identifier

Mass Update: option to change one set of values to another set of values for the same field

Modify List: option to select a field and change values for individual cells within that field

Next Year Students Filter: Set your filter to Next Year Students to view all students in your school next year, including incoming pre-transition students.You will not see any secondary students (cross enrolled to you) using this filter.

Page Directory: accessible from the Home page and Pages tab; shows a list of Pages you are a member of and lets you add them to your Quick Access menu

Pages: web pages users can set up at the district, school, class, or group level

Portal: a view in MyEducation BC where authorized parents and students can access student data, including attendance, assignments, and grades

Pretransition Field Set: A custom set of columns showing the fields that relate to what will happen to the student record at End of Year Rollover (EOYR) when MyEducation BC transitions to the next school year. Use this field set in combination with filters to see these fields for your Active students, for your Pre-registered students, for Next Year students, etc.

Primary School: the school of record for a student

Program: the school of record will assign district program(s) to the student record. These codes are used for 1701 enrollment reporting.

Promote/Demote: Changes the YOG, creates a “Y” enrollment record, and changes the student grade level.

Query: a request to find a group of records that match specific criteria at a particular time (dynamic)

Quick Access Menu: menu on the far left side of the Home page and Pages tab that lets you quickly access your Pages

Quick Charts: customizable visual representations of Data Analytics

Quick Report: an on-the-fly report of the information you are viewing on a list page

Record Navigation Bar: series of buttons in the top-right corner of most Aspen pages that lets users navigate to the first, next, previous, or last record, or search for a particular record

Reference Codes: codes used to validate the options users can select from at fields

Schedule Expression: value which represents the day and period a student’s attendance is recorded. .Deleting the Schedule Expression for All Courses EXCEPT ATT–AM

Secondary Student: individual who attends some classes at your school, but is enrolled at a primary school

Settings Bar: the bar on the top-right corner of every page in MyEd BC

Side Tabs: column of buttons of the left side of the MyEd BC user interface

Snapshot: a static picture of a particular group of records that you can file and easily retrieve

Sort Order: determines the order that records appear in on any list page

SubGrade: a student may be assigned a subgrade. TRAX and 1701 use subgrades to identify students with situations that are not met by the standard EL-12 grade levels.

Subgrades used by TRAX and 1701:

  • KH – A half day Kindergarten student has the YOG for KF and the subgrade KH.
  • EU and SU – Secondary Ungraded (SU) or Elementary Ungraded (EU) is used when the school determines a student is not in a specific grade; the student YOG is related to the student age.
  • HS – Home-Schooled students are identified with this subgrade. The YOG is related to the student’s age.
  • AD and AN – A student older than school age as defined by the Ministry of Education and has the Adult Diploma primary program of study will have a YOG for grade 12 and AN or AD as the subgrade.

Tabs: row of buttons across the top of the MyEd BC user interface

Token: a string of characters used to personalize comments in the school comment bank. Please see the school comment bank token document for replacing nouns with names and the like.

Transcript Definitions: defines the columns of information that will be collected for report cards. Even if a school does not use the MyEd BC report card, this value must be selected. Please see the transcript definition document for reference: Transcript Definitions Explained

User Role: used to grant or restrict access to a group of users (such as teachers ) to different areas and functions in MyEd BC

Widgets: tools to communicate information within your district, school, class, or group. Appearing on the Pages tab, widgets provide information in different formats, such as a banner or blog

Wizard: a sequence of dialog boxes which walk a user through a potentially complex task, such as the Enrollment wizard

YOG: Year of Graduation. YOG Table  The year of graduation (YOG) is selected based on the grade that the student is entering at the time the student record is created or registered. The YOG is not always based on the student’s age as students do not necessarily start kindergarten in the year that they are eligible to do so. The YOG auto-calculates the grade level for the student.