Secondary Principal/Vice-Principal Assessment Secondary Principal/Vice-Principal Training Assessment Name First Last Please enter your District Email Address* FOIPPA ModuleClick on the following lines that are examples of personal information:* John Smith works at 234 First Ave. The Vice-Principal is having surgery Job Title Katie Billings is a student Race Work email address Student #5555656 failed the Biology 12 exam Marital Status Click on the following lines that are examples of sensitive information:* Staff performance evaluation Student health records School district budget forecast Fax number of the school School website List of PAC board of directors FOIPPA places limitations on how personal information can be collected, used or disclosed. Which of the following statements is correct?* Where personal information is collected directly from an individual, the purposes do not have to be explained. Employees can only use or disclose personal information for its intended purposes or another legally permitted purpose. Public bodies may disclose personal information without consent of the individual for a purpose considered appropriate in the circumstances. Employees can disclose personal information to any public body for any purpose. Most security breaches are due to technological errors.*Select oneTrueFalseWhich of the following is not an effective physical security measure?* Ripping up paper records containing personal information before disposing of them. Ensuring personal information you are working with is not visible to others. Restricting access to keys. Keeping sensitive personal information in locked cabinets whenever possible. Fundamentals ModuleRefer to the Fundamentals user guide and video.Never use the back button in your internet browser to return to the previous page.*Select oneTrueFalseA student record can be found by:* Using Control>F Using the paginator Using the records navigation bar All of the above After selecting a student, the student side tabs reveal information about that student only.*Select oneTrueFalseWhere would a user go to view or edit all alert information for a student?* Student Top Tab>Details Side Tab>Alerts All of the above Student Tab>Alerts Student Side Tab>Contacts>Alerts Quick status icon Reference Fundamentals Training Video: 28:02A student's IEP can be viewed from which of the following side tabs:* Assessment Details Membership Documents The user can control the view-able columns in any list by creating...* a custom field set a custom query a custom filter a custom quick report Which list of information will always remain static unless changes are made by the user?*Select oneSnapshotQueryA custom Quick Report can be created using any available field and saved for future use.*Select oneTrueFalseRemoving a field when creating a custom field set will delete the information in that field.*Select oneTrueFalseSnapshots and Queries can be saved for quick access from the Filter drop down menu.*Select oneTrueFalseIt is necessary to log a Web Help Desk ticket in order to change your MyEducation BC password.*Select oneTrueFalseIt is necessary for a user to have multiple MyEducation BC accounts if the user is associated with more than one school.*Select oneTrueFalseWhen creating a snapshot it is necessary to group selected students together by going to Options>Show selected before creating the snapshot.*Select oneTrueFalseRemoving a snapshot from the Filter drop down menu will also delete the snapshot.*Select oneTrueFalseEnrollment ModuleRefer to the Enrollment user guide and videos.When entering a student date of birth, it is important to ensure that the proper day/month sequence is used in order to avaoid duplicate student records.*Select oneTrueFalseA student's enrollment status must be set to __________ on the first day he/she attends classes in order to take attendance for the student.* Active Former Graduated Withdrawn PreReg It is necessary to add additional demographic information to the student demographics sub-top tab that is not included in the registration wizard.*Select oneTrueFalseValidating an address ensures the user has entered in the proper address for a student contact.*Select oneTrueFalseWhich alert is reserved for students with life threatening illnesses?* Health Medical Other Enrollment history for an individual student can be found from which student side tab?* Academics Documents Details Membership Assessments The student transfer functionality may be used for students transferring to any MyEd school in the province.*Select oneTrueFalseWhich of the following is not a correct enrollment status code?* W=Withdraw A=Active S=Status Change Y=Change in Year of Graduation E=Enrolled Which enrollment report identifies all student enrollment activity in your school between a designated period of time?* Enrollment Activity Student Profile Permanent Student Record Enrollment Break Down An authorized parent or guardian should have their contact type set to _______________.* Out of District Emergency Regular Contact CCO TCO Indigenous ancestry information may be edited or viewed for a student from which side-sub tab?* Language and Culture Demographics Citizenship Alerts Programs Attendance ModuleRefer to the Attendance user guide and videos.Select all the available options below when entering in a daily absence record for groups of students.* Selection Query Snapshot Homeroom Section Daily attendance taken from the office must be pushed out from the Class Office side tab to override any unexcused class attendance records taken by teachers.*Select oneTrueFalseWhen recording a late, the system will automatically record the current time.*Select oneTrueFalseWhen viewing an individual student attendance record, which tool allows the user access to Current Year or All Records?* Field Set Icon Filter Options Quick Report The user can add or delete an individual student daily, or class attendance record after selecting the student from the Student top tab.*Select oneTrueFalseWhich filter will I select from the Class Office side tab in order to view all students that already have a daily or class attendance record?* Truant List Attendance Discrepency All Records Attendance Activity Teachers can add multi-day attendance records for students.*Select oneTrueFalseWhich side tab should school use to identify students who are at-risk based on attendance.* Class Trends Class History Class Office Daily Summary The user can view and print class attendance records for an individual student from which two locations?* Attendance Top Tab>Class History Side Tab Student Top Tab>Class Attendance Side Tab Attendance Top Tab>Daily History Side Tab Attendance Top Tab>Class Trends Side Tab Select two of the above.Daily Scheduling ModuleRefer to the Daily Scheduling user guide and videos.When printing a student schedule it may be preferable to choose to sort by__________.* Course Schedule Expressions Term Printing student schedules for all students can be accessed from the Student top tab>Reports drop down window.*Select oneTrueFalseFrom the Workspace, the Matrix view allows which of the following (Check all that apply).* Drag and Drop course requests to the matrix Dragging a course from one period to another Visual display of course requests for the following school year Override conflicts and schedule more than one class in a single period Hovering over the request to view availability in the matrix From the Workspace, the List view allows which of the following (Check all that apply):* Override conflicts and schedule more than one class in a single period Drag and drop course requests Dragging a course from one period to another Hovering over a request to display availability Clicking the Add button next to a course request to view all available sections of that course. The Schedule Master Pick List allows the scheduler to filter courses based on which of the following (Select all that apply).* Term Period Valid Sections Only Department The Schedule Master Pick List does not display combined classes enrollment totals.*Select oneTrueFalseWhich button allows the user to discard any changes made to a student schedule before posting?* Delete Undo Revert Update Add Click the _________ button to activate course changes for a student schedule.* Confirm Post Add Validate Transcript records for dropped courses must receive (Select all that apply).* Completion date Zero credit value Final Mark of W Completion Comment The Conflicts side tab displays (Select all that apply):* Other closed sections of scheduled classes Other available sections of scheduled classes Scheduled classes Schedule change history Enrollment totals Teachers may be added or deleted from course sections from:* Schedule top tab>Courses side tab Schedule top tab>Structure side tab Schedule top tab>Schedules side tab Schedule top tab>Master side tab When creating a new course section you must (Select all that apply):* Enter an enrollment maximum Enter a primary teacher Enter a period and day schedule Enter a track ID Enter a course code Enter a Schedule term code Scheduling a group of students into the section roster from the Schedule top tab is only recommended if the user is confident there are no conflicts for any students.*Select oneTrueFalseGrades Management ModuleRefer to the Grades Management user guide and videos.A transcript definition...* ...determines the columns for grades input. ...determines the relationship between a percent and a letter grade. All of the above ...determines the calculation for GPA ...does not have to be applied to all courses The Prepare Grade Input process (Select all that apply)...* ...establishes the grade post control dates ...creates the necessary grades entry columns. ...allows teachers to enter term marks ...creates a transcript record for students in the course The window of time where teachers can input grades is govern by the:* Course dates Grade Post Control Post Columns Grade Input side tab When entering term grades for a teacher, after selecting the course which setting will you select from the Grade Columns Drop down window?* All Post Columns-Term Post Columns-All Which tool appears from the Transcript side tab that controls visiblity of transcript records based on the transcript defenition applied to that course?* Field Set All of the Above Filter Data Dictionary After withdrawing a student from a course where a transcript record exists it is necessary to edit the transcript record to include which of the following?* Final Mark of W Zero credit value Completion date All of the above Which report card related functionality exists in the School set-up preferences?* Report card message Transcript auto-calculation options Allowing term wieght controls for teachers All of the above