MyEducation BC – TOC access – district implementation

The TOC (Teacher on Call) function in MyEducation BC is available for SD61 schools to use and many TOC staff are now set up with MyEducation BC access. Automated processes are now in place for TOC staff to be advised of their training requirements, which can be fulfilled online.

Assigning a TOC reference document

Which teachers can I assign as a replacement teacher for an absent teacher in my school? The following teachers may be assigned using the TOC function in MyEducation BC:

  1. TOCs who have MyEducation BC accounts;
  2. Your school’s Long Term TOCs (LTTOC) who have MyEducation BC accounts and are included in your MyEducation BC Staff List (Staff top tab).
  3. Your school’s continuing contract Teachers who have MyEducation BC accounts and are included in your MyEducation BC Staff List (Staff top tab).

How do TOCs get their MyEducation BC accounts?

Automated processes are in place for TOCs to be advised of their MyEducation BC training requirements, which can be fulfilled online. Once their account has been created, they will receive an e-mail advising of this and asking them to contact the Help Desk to retrieve their login ID and password.

Please be aware that TOCs will not show up in your staff list in School View > Staff top tab. If a dispatched TOC (dispatch of less than 40 days) arrives at your school and they do not have access to MyEducation BC, they will need to do paper attendance. Please refer them to the Help Desk for assistance with getting set up with an account for future use.

If a LTTOC has been assigned to your school and doesn’t have an account, the Principal or Vice Principal may request an account using the SIS Account Request tool.

LTTOC or Continuing Contract Teacher NOT in your MyEducation BC Staff list

Some LTTOCs and Teachers are less than 1.0 FTE and also work as dispatch TOCs in our district. If these staff are not normally part of your school, the MyEducation BC TOC function is not available and paper attendance-taking is the only available option for these cases.

Gradebook Access?

The TOC function in MyEducation BC allows the user to grant the TOC access to the absent teacher’s gradebook. In the majority of cases, gradebook access is not required; and attendance-taking access is the only function required. Consult with the school administrator if gradebook access is required.

Please be aware that this reference to gradebook access only relates to the MyEducation BC gradebook, and not to FreshGrade or the CSL tool.