Changes to the Learning Update Report

School View > Student top tab > Reports > Learning Update

Prior to the update, the only dates printed on the Learning Update report were in the report’s header, which indicated the date of printing that did not necessarily reflect the reporting period accurately. Changes were made to the Learning Update to clarify elements of the report including:

  • A new field was added to each course section header that denotes the courses’ scheduled reporting period (start and end date). The course dates come from the course schedule date range (Schedule TT > Structure ST > Terms SST > Details > Choose the specific term (e.g. Q1, S2, FY) > View “Term Date Ranges”).
  • The user can choose to print the course date or not via the Learning Update report User specific parameters tab > Display Course Dates.
  • If a non-consecutive course (e.g. scheduled in Q1 and Q3) is reported in the Learning Update, the two start and end dates for the course will be printed.
  • If the student has cross enrollment courses, the course dates printed reflect what was assigned to the course from the secondary school schedule offering the course.
  • For single term courses, the Learning Update prints the scheduled start and end date for the course.
  • For attendance dates, user can choose the “Attendance Reported Up To” option on the Learning Update Preferences > Student Selection/Sort > Attendance Reported Up to. This field defaults to today’s date and may be adjusted as required.
  • The Learning Update Printing date prints on the top left corner (Date Printed).

An important note is that if the user chooses not to print various options within the Learning Update, the MyEducation BC Learning Update printing engine will honour the user selection, but continue to reserve the space in the Learning Update for the option – this is a current limitation of the printing engine of MyEducation BC that both Fujitsu and the Ministry are aware of.

The Learning Update was created to be a reflection of where the student is at a given point in time for every course they are taking during the year. Using the Run button and no Term choices in the Term Selection tab achieves that result. It shows the complete current progress at the point in time you are running the report. It is different from the previous report cards.